Friday, January 18, 2013

Run2TheWild's Sketchbook Workshop!

Miss Courtney from Run2TheWild has began a Sketchbook Workshop!
And I decided to join in.

I haven't drawn -ANYTHING- in so long!  In fact, I don't think I've had a legitimate sketchbook for over 10 years now.  Sad, isn't it?  Well this is just the kick in the creative pants I needed!

The first assignment was thusly:
"Draw a self portrait without using words, without a mirror and without actually drawing yourself realistically. Use this sketch to describe who you are on the inside, not who we see on the outside."

Here is my entry:

I gave myself a half hour time limit.  Granted, I didn't get much done, but I like it.
I've always been one to take my time with drawing anything, so half an hour is nothing compared to how long I could have spent on it!

Thanks Courtney for the inspiration!  Can't wait to see what the next ones are going to be.


  1. I like it. Simple but very telling.

  2. Like it a lot! It's like the symbol to your spirit. I want to stare at it and try to read into it but it could mean so much. :) Hope to see you at the next prompt!


I'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic!
While you're at it leave me a link to your blog. :)