Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Setup

This might be really late, what with the show being back in August,
but here it is ladies and gentlemen; my new setup for my craft show booth!

Here's what's new:
• I incorporated the canopy again (after fixing it) instead of umbrellas.
• I removed the ugly green cover and used a favorite vintage blanket of mine.  More color, more light!
• New handmade banner.
• New display pieces.  The shelves and little bench, painted up a pretty white.
• And for the first time, a payment center! (On the right, in the back.)

Out of everything I think the payment center was my favorite part.  The table and little cabinet held, hid and kept organized everything I needed; cash in the drawers, iPhone with square card swiper in the top cubby with my tea, mailing list on the table, "Credit Cards Accepted" sign on the back of the cabinet, "toolbox" hidden underneath.  It made a specified place for payments to be taken instead of me and the customer just standing in the middle of my booth for everyone to see.  It made me feel better and I noticed it made customers feel better too, made their purchase more of a private affair.

I always get to share my space with my best friend Ana who runs Pretty Bizarre on Etsy, which makes any craft show a blast!

This particular show takes place every year in a big driveway of a very good friends home.
It's small, as far as craft shows go, only about fifteen vendors all known by each other.
It's well attended by friends, family and the public.
Every show is an affirmation of friendship, artistry, laughter and love.
I never miss it.  :D

Here are a few more photos from the show:

This is Chris, the lady behind the show.  She specializes in homemade jams and soaps.

The show seen from the beginning of the driveway.

Maggie and Valerie with hand painted art and homemade treats, delicious!

Jamie and her recycled coffee bag pillows and totes.

Jen peeking from the back with all her unique handmade jewelry.

Some of Jen's bracelets.  You can find her on Etsy as TheBeeArchitect.

Until next time, have a splendiferous day!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

New Approach

I want to stop making just things and start making art.
Fiber art.
No more mass produced patterns and pieces but one-of-a-kind pieces of wearable art.
I want to take this title of fiber artist to the next level.

It might not be a new style, just a new approach to things.
I want to be more free with my art.
Make things for the sole purpose of making them.
Make things because I love to.
Then release them into the world!

I lost sight of that.
The love and the creative flow.
Instead I got caught up in all the made-to-order pieces.
I'm going to stop focusing on that as much.
And focus on creating just to create.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Who likes vintage?

I know I do!                                                                         .
Which is the exact reason why I have too much vintage stuff hanging about in my room and garage.

And it's time to start finding new homes for it all! 

 That is why all this month you will find a plethora of vintage treasures cluttering up my shop.

Head over to see it all for yourself:  Vintage Section

Click on the photos to see the listing.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dance Like Nobody's Watching - Aquarium

PLACE: Monterey Bay Aquarium
SONG: E.T. by Katy Perry
BOY: Stefan Fromme
WHY: Because I was inspired by Angela Trimbur and I wanted to see if I could be brave enough to dance in public like she did.  Turn out I can and had a blast!

Here is the original video that inspired me.

Yes, I know my dancing isn't anything special.  The point was to have a personal victory and have fun doing it!

Big THANK YOU to Ana and Michael for giving me courage to do this!

Hooray for personal victories!  Not bad for someone with S.A.D.